Thursday 31 August 2017

Dear Parents and Children of F1,

WELCOME to the first newsletter of the academic year. I hope you all had a fabulous summer and are looking forward to school starting on Wednesday 6th September.  We are so excited to meet all the new starters and welcome back the existing  children. We are sure you will love coming to Foundation One and meeting lots of new friends to play with. Welcome also to the parents/carers of our new children – we look forward to working with you during your child’s time at Newbold as your child learns and grows in our nurturing environment.

On your first day back, parents are welcome to stay as long as they feel is necessary. The first few days will be spent settling in and exploring their new learning environment, as well as familiarising themselves with the routines. I will be introducing a new 'playground buddy' system for outside break-times. Some year 5 and 6 children will take on the responsibility of making playground times a happy place for our new children.

Please remember, to bring in your fruit snack and drink every morning, along with a packed lunch, if staying for lunch, with enough food to last the afternoon.

*No nut products. Grapes sliced length ways*.

There will be a whole school induction evening on Wednesday 13th September - more details to follow via our internal email system. This will be an opportunity to learn more about our school. The headteacher will talk first , in the hall, then F1 parents will move into F1 and I will share all the important information about our class. Please make every effort to attend.

Please remember to bring in any outstanding completed paperwork on your first day. I will set you up on Tapestry (our online learning journey system) too. Mrs McCormac, Mrs Murphy and I will all be on hand to answer your questions on your first day (and beyond!).

For now, enjoy what's left of the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all next week.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Mrs Jennings

Monday 12 June 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our last half term of the academic year.

I am in the midst of writing school reports at the moment so look forward to you receiving them near the end of term.

We have some exciting dates coming up:

Fri 16th June - Our Fathers Day treat. - songs, videos and a stay and play from 11.30am - 12.30pm.
Fri 23rd June - A visit from Bracknell the fire crew at 10.30am
Tues 27th June - Our school trip to Odds Park Farm
Mon 3rd July - Sports Day (morning) (Rain date is Wed 5th)
Thur 6th July - International Day
Tues 14th July - transition session into F2 (9.30-10.30am)
Wed 19th July - Last day - finish at 12.30pm.

We have lots planned this half term and our caterpillars have arrived, We are watching them grow and they're getting bigger every day. We are learning all about the chrysalis process and emerging as butterflies. We hope to release all 10 butterflies in to Sylvia's Garden when they're ready to fly into the big wide world.

Sunday 26 February 2017

After half term

Dear F1 Parents,
Welcome back after February half term.
We will be welcoming some new children over the next few weeks, and this will result in our class reaching our maximum size of 24.
We continue our 3 ability-based phonic groups. They are going very well. We are lucky to have Megan to support the red group on a Monday and Friday, and Mrs T on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We are introducing growing, and have planted some seeds already this week. We are continuing to do this and look forward to planting runner beans this week,
We have bought a worm house. This week I need the children's help to find worms to add into the worm house. We can then enjoy watching them at work. There will be other worm related activities too. We will also look for signs of Spring.
Of course, it's pancake day this week, so it's pancake making and decorating on Tuesday. Also, book day on Thursday so please dress-up as your favourite book character, and bring the corresponding book please.
Later on this term, we have Mothers Day and Easter activities to look forward to. More details to follow soon......