Monday 2 November 2015

4th November 2015.

Welcome back after half term.

We are very excited to roll out our new online learning journeys from today. As mentioned in our presentations, there are many benefits to using an online system. You will now receive weekly observations and read all about what your child has been doing at school, see photos and read about what learning has been achieved. Please try to send us your comments too so that we can collaborate and meet your child's needs more effectively. If you have any issues/questions with the new system, please come and see me.
Every child has fully settled into Foundation One now.It is a delight to see them enjoying their playing and learning. We will continue with daily phonics as the children love these short 5 minute interactive sessions and they are learning so much. This week we will revisit the s,a,t,p,i,n sounds and then introduce the next phonic sound next week. Please remember to keep an eye on the notice board outside F1 to see what phonic sound it is that week. We will commence with learning weeks next week too. The children love bringing in their chatter box and we enjoy linking the planning to their interests, so please continue to complete the feedback forms and returning them each Thursday. The more details you can share with us, the better we can meet their needs.

This next half term is a busy one, what with Christmas festivities. As always, our door is always open. Miss Cliffe and I thank you for your continued support.

Kindest Regards

Mrs Jennings