Saturday 29 August 2015

Welcome to a fresh new academic year!

Dear Parents / Carers,

Firstly, may I thank those of you who kindly bought me cards and gifts. They were very much appreciated. I hope you are all enjoying the summer holidays. I certainly am.

I want to welcome you all now in preparation for the start of a fresh new academic year, which starts on Thursday 3rd September. We will welcome 9 new children into our class: Hadriel, Daniel, Joanna, Aviwe, Aleeza, Mikel, Amanda and Samuel, as well as welcoming back Tegan, Emil, Jamie and Liam. That makes a total of 12 children at the moment. Mrs Elliott has retired and Miss Cliffe will be the new F1 practitioner working alongside me. She has many years experience at a Bracknell nursery and is suitably qualified. We both look forward to nurturing, playing and teaching your child in F1 this term.

We will continue to incorporate your ideas for planning for your child’s development. Please watch out for the form to complete. This week and next are settling-in weeks.

I will be holding a short presentation for parents after the whole school presentation on  16th September at 6.30pm. I plan to inform you all about early years and what to expect in Foundation One. Please can everyone make a special effort to attend. Thank you.

Please note: PE is on Wednesday mornings. Please wear PE kit to school on this day. Assemblies in the hall are on Thursdays and Friday mornings so indoor shoes must be changed into on arrival on these days. Unless it is wet outside, outdoor shoes can be worn on Mondays-Wednesdays as we have free-flow outside. Our school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 12.10pm (morning only sessions) and 3.30pm for all day sessions. The whole school finishes at 12.30pm on Fridays so no lunch is needed to be brought in. Please remember to pack a healthy lunch that your child will enjoy and actually eat (if staying for lunch). No nut products please! Every child needs a morning fruit snack and healthy drink, although we have water and milk.

Please remember to read the F1 notice board outside the classroom every week for important information, including phonic sound of the week. More on this and everything else at the evening presentation….

So, welcome and remember our door is always open. Working in partnership with you benefits everyone.

If you have any questions before school starts, please feel free to email me at :

See you on the 3rd. J


Best Regards

Mrs Jennings