Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas fun !!!

Newsletter - December 2014

                                                                                                                                December 2014

Dear Parents / Carers,
Well, we have nearly come to the end of the first term in this academic year. What a busy and exciting term it has been. These last few weeks have been especially exciting as we have been doing lots of Christmas activities. We’ve also been practicing being ‘twinkling stars’ for the Newbold Christmas play. We hope you enjoy watching it on Monday morning and/or Tuesday evening.
Wednesday was the Christmas party afternoon. It was an enjoyable (and slightly hectic) afternoon of fun, eating lots of delicious food, party games and dancing. 
As always, we continually reflect on how the practice works and look for ways to improve it. We feel that working closely with you to discuss ideas for your child’s learning week as well as the chatter box is going really well. The children benefit from this, as do you and us. It helps us keep a better track of your child’s progress and development. Please  remember to bring in the completed form for your child’s learning week, by the FRIDAY. We will continue to discuss your child’s development every time their learning week is over. There is a rolling rota that we work with. As always, please remember we are here to chat to you at any time. My email work address is a great way to confidentially contact me.
I have noticed that many children are not arriving for school on time, despite living within close proximity of the school. Please make every effort to arrive on time. It is less stressful for your child to arrive along with everyone else and less disruptive for us. I thank you in advance for your support.
We have been most impressed with every single child in Foundation One this term. They have all had a great term. They have settled into the class routine very well, worked extremely hard in learning all the phonic sounds and display all the Christian attributes that we at Newbold School are proud of. They are a blessing and you should feel very proud of your child.
All that’s left to say, is we wish you a very merry and peaceful Christmas and new year. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to January 2013. We will welcome 3 new starters in the New year.
Best Wishes,

Mrs Jennings and the Foundation team.