Monday 29 September 2014

September 2014

Dear Parents / Carers,
We want to welcome you all to the start of a fresh new academic year. We welcome 4 new children to our class: Ben, Sean, Gabriell and Jamie as well as welcoming back Catarina. We are starting off the year with a smaller number of children.
We will continue to incorporate your ideas for planning for your child’s development. Please watch out for the form to complete.
I will be holding a short presentation for parents after the whole school presentation on Tues 16th Sept. I plan you inform you on how it all works in F1 and alert you to a few changes involving sessions promoting language development and ‘chatter boxes’. Please can everyone make a special effort to attend. I am also holding a parents phonics workshop on 25th September. Thank you.
Please note: PE is on Wednesday mornings. Please wear PE kit to school on this day. Assemblies in the hall are on Thursdays and Friday mornings so indoor shoes must be changed into on arrival on these days. Unless it is wet outside, outdoor shoes can be worn on Mondays-Wednesdays. Please remember to read the F1 notice board outside the classroom every week for important information, including phonic sounds of the week.
So, welcome and remember our door is always open. Working in partnership with you is so beneficial for everyone.
Best Regards

Mrs Jennings and Mrs Elliott