Monday 23 February 2015

February 23rd

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back after the half term. I hope you enjoyed the rest and kept warm!

This half term, we say good-bye to Catarina who has moved back to Brazil with her family, and a big hello to Emil who joins our class.

Over the break, Mrs Dye and I came in and improved our outside provision. We have made a mud kitchen area, a literacy area, a water play area and a creative arts area. We hope the children will enjoy playing and learning more outside this half term. I plan to take them on many spring walks in Sylvia's Garden; looking at growth, change and patterns/shapes.

Please provide a pair of NAMED wellies for your child to keep at school. This will help keep your child's school shoes clean when they play in the mud kitchen, when it's wet/snowy weather and when we go for weekly walks around muddy areas. Thank you.

This week, the children will be learning more about Chinese New Year and partake in related activities, if they choose. Phonic groups remain unchanged this half term. All children are doing so well in their perspective groups.

Next week, the learning weeks start again. Please remember to return your completed feedback forms by Friday, AT THE LATEST. It is really important to gain your perspectives and your child's interests into their learning week. Please also remember to add 3-4 objects in the chatter boxes; preferably including a couple of books and photos.

We will keep you informed on the upcoming events, such as Mother's Day, book day and a 'stay and play' parents session! More on all that soon.....

Thanks, as always, for your continued help and support

Kind Regards

Mrs Jennings